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A captivating one of a kind piece that seamlessly blends layers of acrylic, gesso, paper mache, and delicate accents of gold powder. This unique creation is a symphony of bright colors, inviting viewers to embark on a visual journey that is both exhilarating and captivating.


The canvas comes alive with an explosion of vivid hues meticulously applied in layers of acrylic paint, creating a dynamic and energetic foundation. The use of gesso introduces a dimension of texture, adding depth to the composition and inviting the viwer to explor. 


Its exuberant color palette makes a bold statement, making it an ideal centerpiece for those who crave an infusion of vivacity and joy in their living spaces. This piece serves as the focal point of a chic modern interior as this artwork promises to evoke emotions and spark conversations.


"My Past" Mixed Media

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